Why do we learn maths?
Our vision is to cultivate resilient and creative problem solvers, where pupils see mathematics not as a set of rules to follow but a mindset when confronted with complex and challenging situations. We want our pupils to leave our school prepared to utilise the skills they develop in maths to solve seen and unseen problems and apply logical reasoning to make informed decisions.
We also believe that mathematical fluency is a core skill across our curriculum, and we share this belief with our pupils. We strive to create and celebrate opportunities for mathematics to be embedded in other areas of school life.
The powerful knowledge that our students gain through their maths lessons is essential for all our pupils. Every one of them must leave us with a confidence and fluency that sets them up to manage their own finances and everyday lives successfully. The problem solving, critical thinking and reasoning skills are also essential in a great number of careers, including many that are not immediately obvious.
Our approach
The maths curriculum is divided into six strands.
Number: We want our pupils to be able to calculate and estimate accurately and fluently because we know that being able to do so supports their success in every other area of mathematics and in everyday life.
Ratio and proportion: Pupils need to understand the directly and inversely proportional relationships that they see in everyday life. A strong understanding of this strand will also support pupils studying economics, science, and a wide range of other subjects.
Algebra: Our goal is for pupils to understand algebra not as a collection of skills, but as a tool for solving problems and generalising. They should know that algebra allows us not just to show that something is sometimes true but that it is always true.
Geometry: An understanding of geometry is essential for every pupil. We all need to be able to estimate distance or capacity, convert between units of measure and carry out calculations to plan out practical projects. This also sets pupils up to be successful in a wide range of other subjects from art to physics.
Probability: We want pupils to understand the role probability plays in many careers, allowing us to make predictions and plan appropriately for all possible outcomes. We also want them to have a sense of the limitations of probability and our knowledge of what will happen next.
Statistics: It is important that our pupils can interpret and create a range of representations of data. They should be aware that some representations of data can be misleading and be able to choose representations that are appropriate for their data and their audience. We want pupils to be able to apply these skills across all of their subjects and use data effectively to support their arguments.
Year 1
Autumn |
Numbers to 10 Addition and subtraction within 10 Shape and patterns Numbers to 20 Addition and subtraction within 20 |
Spring |
Time Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Numbers to 50 Addition and subtraction within 20 Fractions Measures: Length and mass |
Summer |
Numbers Numbers 50 to 100 and beyond Addition and subtraction Money Multiplication and division Measures: Capacity and volume |
Year 2
Autumn |
Number within 100 Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers |
Spring |
Time Fractions Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers |
Summer |
Numbers within 1000 Measures: Capacity and volume Measures: Mass |
Year 3
Autumn |
Number sense and calculation strategies Place Value Graphs Addition and subtraction Length and perimeter |
Spring |
Multiplication and division Deriving multiplication and division facts Time Fractions |
Summer |
Angles and Shape Measures Securing multiplication and division Exploring calculation strategies and place value |
Year 4
Autumn |
Reasoning with 4-digit numbers Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Interpreting and presenting data |
Spring |
Securing multiplication facts Fractions Time Decimals Area and perimeter |
Summer |
Solving measure and money problems Shape and symmetry Position and direction Reasoning with patterns and sequences Shape Preparation for Y4 Maths tests (Times tables)
Year 5
Autumn |
Reasoning with large whole numbers Problem solving with integer addition and subtraction Line graphs and timetables Multiplication and division Perimeter and area |
Spring |
Fractions and decimals Angles Fractions, decimals and percentages Transformations |
Summer |
Solving measure and money problems Shape and Symmetry Position and Direction Reasoning with patterns and sequences Shape |
Year 6
Autumn |
Integers and decimals Multiplication and division Calculation problems Fractions Missing angles and lengths |
Spring |
Coordinates and shape Fractions Decimals and measures Percentages and statistics Proportion problems |
Summer |
Transition work |
Year 7
Autumn |
Place value Properties of arithmetic Factors and Multiples Order of operations Positive and negative numbers Expressions, equations and inequalities
Spring |
Angles Classifying 2D shapes Constructing triangles and quadrilaterals Coordinates Area of 2D shapes Transforming 2D figures |
Summer |
Prime factor decomposition Conceptualising and comparing fractions Manipulation and calculating with fractions Ratio Percentages |
Year 8
Autumn |
Sequences Forming and solving equations Forming and solving inequalities Linear graphs Accuracy and estimation |
Spring |
Ratio Real life graphs and rate of change Direct and inverse proportion Univariate data Bivariate data |
Summer |
Angles in polygons Bearings Circles Volume and surface area of prisms |
Year 9
Autumn |
FDP Probability Sets, Venns and sample space diagrams Solving algebraically Solving graphically |
Spring |
Angle review Constructions congruence and loci Pythagoras' Theorem Ratio Review Similarity and enlargement Trigonometry |
Summer |
Algebra review Quadratic expressions and equations Surds Indices Standard form Growth and decay |
Year 10 - Foundation
Autumn |
Negative numbers and hierarchy of operations Decimals Powers, roots and index laws Factors, multiples and primes Algebra - The basics Expressions, formulae and substitution Tables, charts and graphs Pie charts Scatter graphs Fractions, decimals and percentages Percentages |
Spring |
Equations and inequalities Sequences Properties of shapes, parallel lines and angle facts Interior and exterior angles of polygons Statistics, sampling and the averages Perimeter, area and volume |
Summer |
Real life graphs Straight line graphs Transformations Ratio Proportion Right-angles triangles: Pythagoras and trigonometry
Year 10 - Higher
Autumn |
Calculations, checking and rounding indices, roots, reciprocals and hierarchy of operations Factors, multiples, primes, standard form and surds Algebra essentials Sequences Averages and range Representing and interpreting data and scatter graphs Fractions and percentages Ratio and proportion
Spring |
polygons, angles and parallel lines Pythagorus' Theorem and trigonometry Graphs: The basics and real life graphs Linear graphs and coordinate geometry Quadratic, cubic and other graphs Perimeter, area and circles 3d forms and volume, cylinders, cones and spheres
Summer |
Accuracy and bounds Inequalities Probability |
Year 11 - Foundation
Autumn |
Probability Multiplicative reasoning Plans and elevations Constructions, loci and bearings Quadratic equations: expanding and factorising Quadratic equations: graphs Circles, cylinders, cones and spheres Fractions and reciprocals Indices and standard form
Spring |
Similarity and congruence in 2D Vectors Rearranging equations, graphs of cubic and reciprocal functions and simultaneous equations
Summer |
Revision |
Year 11 - Higher
Autumn |
Multiplicative reasoning similarity and congruence and 2D and 3D Graphs of trigonometric functions Further trigonometry Collecting data Cumulative frequency, box plots and histograms Quadratics, expanding more than two brackets, sketching graphs |
Spring |
Functions and transformation Vectors and geometric proof Reciprocal and exponential graphs; Gradient and area under graphs Direct and inverse proportion |
Summer |
Revision |
Year 12 - Pure
Autumn |
Algebraic expressions Quadratics Equations and Inequalities Graphs and Transformations Binomial Expansion Straight line graphs Circles |
Spring |
Trigonometric identities and equations Differentiation Integration Vectors Exponentials and logarithms |
Summer |
Algebraic methods Radians Trigonometric functions |
Year 12 - Applied
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Measures of location and spread Intro to mathematical modelling Graphical representations of velocity, acceleration and displacement |
Constant acceleration formulae Probability Statistical distributions |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Data collection Hypothesis testing |
Forces and motion Variable acceleration Representations of data Correlation |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Normal distribution |
Friction |
Year 13 - Pure
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Trigonometry and modelling Differentiation 2 Integration 2 |
Algebraic methods Functions and graphs |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Sequences and series Binomial expansion Trigonometry and modelling 2 |
Parametric equations Numerical methods |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision |
N/A |
Year 13 - Applied
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Projectiles Further Kinematic |
Normal distribution Conditional probability |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Moments Regression, correlation and hypothesis testing |
Applications of forces Vectors |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Revision |
N/A |