Why do we learn design and technology?
At AJK, we believe in the power of design and technology (D&T) to spark pupils’ imaginations, providing them with opportunities to put their creativity to use in designing products that solve real and relevant problems. By providing a rigorous and knowledge- rich curriculum, we aim to inspire pupils to take risks, be resourceful and innovate to caterfor their own and others’ needs – drawing on skills developed from other STEM and art subjects. We also hope to enable them to evaluate critically the impact of design and technology on their daily lives.
Our approach
D&T is taught three times a year through drop-down days. Pupils begin by studying existing products. They then take part in focus tasks, guided by the teacher, to practise important skills that will be required for their finished product. They then plan their product, before constructing it using the skills that they previously practised.
Outcomes from the drop-down days are used by school leaders to inform required changes to the curriculum.
Year 1
Autumn |
Wheels and axles |
Spring |
Freestanding structures |
Summer |
Preparing fruit and vegetables |
Year 2
Autumn |
Templates and joining |
Spring |
Sliders and levers |
Summer |
Preparing fruit and vegetables |
Year 3
Autumn |
Shell structures |
Spring |
2D shape to 3D product |
Summer |
Healthy and varied diet |
Year 4
Autumn |
Pneumatics |
Spring |
Levers and linkages |
Summer |
Simple circuits and switches |
Year 5
Year 6
Autumn |
Pulleys or gears |
Spring |
Combining different fabric shapes |
Summer |
Celebrating culture and seasonality |