How do I apply?

For queries regarding your child's transition from Year 6 to Year 7 at Ark John Keats Academy, please contact us at:
If your child's place at Ark John Keats Academy has already been confirmed, you will need to complete THIS FORM
Uniform letter HERE
Link to Parent Hub HERE
A-Z Booklet 2023-2024
Transition events for students joining us in September 2023
- Thursday 29th June 2023 17.00-17.30 Y6 Parent Information Evening
- Friday 14th July 2023 17.00-17.30 Additional Parent Information Evening
- Tuesday 5th September 2023 - Y7 Induction to Ark John Keats Academy
What will my child be studying in Y7

See what your child will be studying in Year 7 HERE
Y6 Home Learning
In this section, you can prepare your child for an effective transition by encouraging and supporting them to complete some of the Year 7 content, that they will learn once they arrive in secondary.
Y6 Summer Treasure Hunt - Home Learning
Maths - Workbook
Maths - Answers
English - coming soon
Making a naked egg
Create an edible model of a plant cell
Create a red cabbage pH indicator
Create a bottle rocket
And write a small lab report for each one, to include:
- Introduction (describe the experiment that you’ll perform)
- Method (step by step instructions that another student could follow to complete the same experiment)
- Results (what did you find?)
- Conclusion (what did you learn from your experiment)
Examples of Home Learning